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Corporate storytelling

From narrative to experience

Corporate experience center

A corporate experience center is a purpose-built space that offers visitors the opportunity to not only explore but also experience a company's brand, culture, and products in an intimate and engaging setting. At the core of the visitor experience center is storytelling, allowing companies to craft narratives that resonate on a personal level and bring their brand to life. Furthermore, these centers provide flexibility to accommodate diverse audiences and activities, from product demonstrations and educational workshops to networking events, tailored to specific interests.

— value

Corporate visitor centers yield tangible benefits for companies, including increased brand visibility, lead generation, and customer retention, ultimately positioning them as industry leaders and fostering brand loyalty in a competitive marketplace. Whether it's highlighting the innovation behind your products, sharing your commitment to sustainability, or showcasing your impact on the community, visitor centers provide a canvas for companies to paint a vivid picture of who they are and what they stand for.


— us

CREATE.eu is a multimedia studio from Ghent Belgium. Since 2006 we design & build interactive & immersive experiences for museums, visitor centers, theme parks, events and more. As a “one stop shop” for creative technology our team of dedicated technical and creative professionals handles projects from concept to final installation. We take your brand's story and transform it into a compelling visual experience. Whether you need a full blown digital visitor centre, or a new 3D product configurator. Our studio creates custom multimedia tools to bring your narrative in a unique way. From immersive VR training experiences to tailer-made sales apps or interactive installations that allow real-time exploration of your products, we ensure your message is not only heard but felt.

— Tools

Custom software apllications‍
3D, VR & AR

— Our

Portopolis - Experience the Port of the Future
Custom VR and AR software for Portopolis by CREATE.eu _ corporate experience center
Custom AR software for Portopolis by CREATE.eu _ corporate experience center

Zeiss vision - A next level product launch
Corporate immersive live event for ZEISS Vision by CREATE.eu

Denys - Celebrating 100 years of excellence
Corporate immersive live event for DENYS group by CREATE.eu
Corporate immersive live event for DENYS group by CREATE.eu
Corporate immersive live event for DENYS group by CREATE.eu
Corporate immersive live event for DENYS group by CREATE.eu

Reynaers aluminium - Experience center
A corporate experience center for Reynaers aluminium by CREATE.euZ

Barco - An immersive visitor centre for Belgium's leading technology company
An immersive experience center for Barco by CREATE.eu
An immersive experience center for Barco by CREATE.eu
An immersive experience center for Barco by CREATE.eu

Daikin - Interactive showroom
An experience center for Daikin - interactive showroom by CREATE.eu
An experience center for Daikin - interactive showroom by CREATE.eu

TVH - Corporate storytelling
A corporate experience center for TVH by CREATE.eu
A corporate experience center for TVH by CREATE.eu

Want to see more projects?

Check out our portfolio here!

— Our

Pro AV hardware integration

→ Back-end integration
→ Interactive installations
→ Unity3D - Unreal engine
→ Application development
→ UserInterface / user experience

→ Engineering
→ Testing & pre build
→ Installation
→ Systemdesign & integration
→ Support& after sales

Content creation

AV Event productions

→ 3D productions
→ Animations
→ Motion Graphics
→ VR/ AR / MR
→ Concept- storyboard

→ Show production
→ Full technical support
→ Stage & set design
→ Production management

Creative development